Wednesday, August 27, 2008

DNC Day 3: Invesco logistics

Today we've been trying to work out who's going to go over to Invesco and who will stay at the tent to start tearing things down and generally staff home base.
It appears that I'll be staying here tomorrow night, which is fine with me because I'll have my choice of televisions and won't have to deal with the enormous crowds expected there, the busing and all of that.
Paul and I walked over there on Tuesday and it took us at least 20 minutes, I'd say. A nice walk, if you don't mind crossing light rail tracks, going under the highway and repeatedly showing your credentials.
It should be a big event. It sounds like organizers may want the public there as early as 2 p.m., and the event starts at 7 p.m. It's great that the media will be able to shuttle back and forth, at least until the speech starts.
Traffic could be interesting come Thursday.
I made it onto the floor today to interview pledged Clinton delegates, and you can read more about my experiences at my Missourian blog.

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