Saturday, August 23, 2008

I met Wolf Blitzer

Yes, sir, as he was headed to lunch. He told me that I must be very smart if I go to MU, and, in response to my question about what he thought of Colorado, he said he liked it. Could have been a better question, but at least it wasn't a yes or no!
Today was also the big media party to kick off the convention, and it was huge. Tons and tons of journalists from all over the country (and probably world), free food, rides and games, performers, you name it.
But at the end of the day, I'm exhausted. I didn't do much in terms of helping today, but I was able to work with one of my bosses to call various reporters to gather information so that we can give them their credentials on Sunday. Security is tight around the Pepsi Center, which I had expected, but I was amazed to see how quickly the big metal fences had been put up around the perimeter. The police and secret service have dogs that sniff bags for suspect items, and one man told me today that I'll need to take off my Washington Center buttons in the future, because they set off the magnetometer. But I made it through security quickly and with no problems other than the buttons, so that was great.
I'm planning to take one of the Regis buses downtown tomorrow morning to get to work by 10 a.m. I tried the local public transportation today with great success, so I'm hoping the same will hold true tomorrow.

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